ITIN number is an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number in United States issued by IRS. IRS is the revenue service of United States Federal Government. It’s responsible for the tax collection and the interpretation and enforcement of the Internal Revenue Code. An ITIN number is issued to the resident and nonresident aliens both. That is because both of them have tax and payment responsibilities under the Internal Revenue Code.

What is the sole purpose of ITIN number?

ITIN number is used for foreign nationals and other individuals for federal tax reporting purpose only. People who are not eligible for the Social Security Numbers are issued with an ITIN number by the IRS for tax returns and payments. An ITIN number alone does not make an individual eligible for the Social Security benefits. Also, ITIN number is not an authorization to work in the United States or a legal immigration approval. So basically, ITIN number holders cannot have all the tax benefits that US citizens and other taxpayers receive.

Who needs an ITIN Number?

All the individuals who are required to file a federal income tax return and are not eligible for SSN must apply for ITIN number. Once you’re sure that you cannot be issued a SSN, you should complete the W-7 form and attach your federal income tax return. You should also attach your proof of identity, foreign status documents and certified copies by the issuing agency. Make sure you do not miss due dates because in case you do, you have to face penalties.

Who can help?

There’s a toll free IRS number (1-800-829-1040) for US that you can call and seek help related to the W-7 form and your tax return. You can also check your application status after at least 5 weeks. If you’re looking for some expert or professional help then you can visit IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers and discuss with them in person.

What is a CAA – Certifying Acceptance Agent?

CAA is a Certified Acceptance Agent that is an individual authorized by IRS to assist potential ITIN number applicants. An Acceptance Agent can also be an organization or business. What they do is, help you get your work done with efficiency and efficacy. They review your documentation in depth, complete an accuracy certificate for you and last but not the least forward your application along with the certificate to the IRS.

Benefits of Acceptance Agent

When you’re filing for an ITIN number you want to make sure everything is ready and good to go. Many individuals are not comfortable to do it on their own and are better of hiring an expert. An Acceptance Agent will of course charge you a fee but if you really want things to stay in order and you don’t want to mess up your certification process, then it’s worth it.

They’re going to walk you all the way to your ITIN number application process and they’re going to stick right with you until the very moment you receive your ITIN via letter from the IRS. It just makes the whole process less tiresome and dull. Make sure you hire an authorized individual and not get caught up in a fake organizations dealing with fake IRS authorization.

Remember you need help but you’re not desperate. Select your agent cautiously and try to engage yourself with them as much as possible. Just because you’re hiring a professional doesn’t mean your part is done. Stick with your agent and understand the application process.

If you want to apply for an ITIN tax number and have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at 888-509-3616. If you have any suggestions please share those with us as well. Freedomtax ITIN Number has a professional team of IRS Certifying Acceptance Agents, and tax accounting professionals with more than 16 years of experience, helping immigrants with their ITIN application. Freedomtax can also help immigrant entrepreneurs incorporate a business in the USA. Freedomtax ITIN Tax Number Online services provides Quality, Professional Service with a Family Feel.

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